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Golden State STEM is a fully non-profit organization run and founded by young high school students! Scroll down to learn more about each individual staff member.


Ana Carthikeyan

Hi there! My name is Ana and the reason I thought of this organization was to educate students about how interesting and life-changing Science, Technology, and Engineering can really be. Ever since I was young I was exposed to lots of modern technology and programming, but I always thought it was really uninteresting. However, when I joined my school robotics club and started coding, I realized how cool it was that a few motors or simple lines of code can work together and perform actions that change our lives today. Even when I joined Scouts of America, I saw how learning a few first-aid procedures really could save a stranger, or even a loved one. I've always wanted to teach people of all ages about these things and spread my knowledge!

President, Anandika


Chinmayee Walavalkar

Hello! I'm Chinmayee and I absolutely love STEM. From tinkering with legos to designing and building robots, STEM has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. Science, technology, engineering, and math all serve as an outlet for my creativity, enabling me to solve problems and learn more about the world around me. Unfortunately, not everyone has the resources to do the same, so I co-founded Golden State STEM to provide people with more opportunities to explore the field for themseleves. Through engaging lessons and hands-on activites, I'm determined to make STEM accessible and enjoyable for everyone!

Vice President
Golded State STEM
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